Coral: Jewelry with a Touch of the Sea


Coral, with its vibrant colors and organic shapes, has captivated humanity for centuries. Used in jewelry since ancient times, this natural material adds a unique and elegant touch to any outfit.

Coral: a gift from the sea that adorns your beauty.
Coral: a gift from the sea that adorns your beauty.

In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of coral in jewelry:


  • Coral is not a stone, but the skeleton of colonies of marine polyps that live in warm and shallow waters.
  • As these organisms grow and reproduce, they form calcareous structures of various colors and shapes.
  • Coral reefs, where coral is formed, are marine ecosystems of great importance for biodiversity.


  • Red coral: The most popular, appreciated for its intense blood red color. It is associated with vitality, passion and good luck.
  • Pink coral: Delicate and feminine, with a soft pink tone. It symbolizes love, tenderness and joy.
  • Black coral: Elegant and sophisticated, with an intense black color. It is related to wisdom, mystery and protection.
  • White coral: Rare and valuable, with a pure white tone. It represents purity, innocence and peace.
  • Other colors: There are also corals in shades of orange, yellow, blue and green, although they are less common.


  • The value of coral depends on several factors, such as type, color, size, shape, rarity and origin.
  • Red coral, due to its intense color and rarity, is the most valuable.
  • White coral, due to its difficulty in obtaining, also has a high value.
  • Certification of origin and sustainability are important aspects to consider when purchasing coral.


  • Coral is used to create a wide variety of jewelry, including:
    • Necklaces: Classic or modern designs, with coral beads or carved pieces.
    • Earrings: Delicate and elegant, with different shapes and colors of coral.
    • Rings: Sophisticated and striking, with coral as a central element or in combination with other precious stones.
    • Bracelets: Elegant and versatile, with coral in different shapes and styles.
    • Brooches: Unique pieces that add a touch of color to any garment.
    • Tiaras and headbands: Jewels for special occasions, with elaborate designs and full of glamor.
Coral necklace
Coral necklace


  • Coral is a delicate material that requires special care. It is recommended to:
    • Avoid bumps and falls.
    • Do not expose it to chemicals or perfumes.
    • Clean it with warm water and mild soap.
    • Store it in a jewelry box when not in use.
    • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.


  • Coral has been associated with various symbolisms throughout history:
    • Protection against evil.
    • Good luck and fortune.
    • Wisdom and knowledge.
    • Love and passion.
    • Vitality and energy.
    • Longevity and health.
    • Prosperity and abundance.


  • Today, coral is used in high-end jewelry, costume jewelry and crafts.
  • Its natural beauty, unique meaning and connection to the sea make it a popular choice for those looking for original and symbolic pieces.
  • Coral jewelry is a perfect gift for special occasions.


  • Choose a trusted seller who can guarantee the quality and origin of the coral.
  • Look for pieces with a harmonious design and a good finish.
  • Consider the size, shape and color of the coral according to your taste.
  • Ask about the care and cleaning of the jewel.
  • Purchase pieces that are sustainable and do not come from the overexploitation of coral reefs.


Coral, with its history, beauty, symbolism and connection to nature, is a fascinating material that adds a touch of the sea to jewelry. Choosing a coral jewel is acquiring a unique piece, full of meaning and that will accompany you for years.