en-us-Choosing Durable Jewelry: Considerations on the Resilience of Gemstones


Jewelry, with its elegance and beauty, has captivated humanity for centuries. For jewelry enthusiasts, diamonds and gemstones are treasures that adorn their lives. However, when acquiring these pieces, it is essential to consider the durability and resistance of gemstones to ensure your investment stands the test of time.

Credits: Diamond.ar
Credits: Diamond.ar


The hardness of a gemstone is a critical factor to consider when selecting jewelry that will endure over time. The Mohs hardness scale, developed by geologist Friedrich Mohs in the 19th century, is a valuable tool for evaluating the resilience of gemstones. This scale ranges from level 1, representing the softest and most fragile stones, to level 10, representing the hardest and most resilient stones.

Diamonds, with their astonishing hardness and a rating of 10 on the Mohs scale, are the most reliable choice when seeking durability. Their exceptional resilience makes them a popular option for engagement rings and other jewelry subjected to constant wear. In addition to diamonds, other gems, such as sapphires and rubies, also score high on the Mohs scale, with a rating of 9. This means they are excellent choices for jewelry that will be worn frequently and need to withstand daily wear and tear.


In addition to hardness, it is crucial to consider the fragility and susceptibility to cracks of a gemstone when choosing jewelry. Some gems, like jade or turquoise, have a crystalline structure that makes them more prone to cracks and fractures. This means that, while they can be beautiful, these stones require special care and should be worn cautiously, especially if you plan to wear the jewelry daily or in situations where it may be exposed to impacts or blows.

If you desire jewelry that can withstand more rigorous use or will come into contact with hard surfaces, it is advisable to opt for stones that are more resistant to fractures. Once again, diamonds stand out as a smart choice due to their combination of hardness and resilience.


In everyday life, our jewelry may come into contact with various chemicals, such as cleaning products, perfumes, lotions, and other personal care products. Some gemstones are more sensitive to these substances and may lose their luster or suffer damage over time.

Diamonds and hard gems like sapphires and rubies are less prone to this type of deterioration. However, to keep any jewelry in its best condition, it is important to avoid exposing it to aggressive chemicals whenever possible. By doing so, you will prolong the beauty and durability of your jewelry over the years, ensuring they continue to shine on every occasion.


When selecting jewelry with diamonds or gemstones, the mounting plays a crucial role in protecting and stabilizing the stone. The mounting is the structure that holds the stone in place, and its quality is essential to ensure the stone remains secure and radiant in your jewelry.

Opting for a high-quality mounting is a key step. Ensure that the mounting is compatible with the selected stone and fits precisely and securely. A solid and sturdy mounting is essential to prevent the stone from becoming loose or falling out over time. Mountings should be designed in a way that adequately protects the stone from impacts and blows.

Furthermore, the choice of metal for the mounting is also important. Metals like gold and platinum are popular due to their durability and ability to securely hold the stone in place. Inspect the mounting closely and ensure there are no defects or weaknesses that could compromise the safety of the gemstone.


Scratch resistance is a key factor to consider when choosing a gemstone for your jewelry. Despite diamonds' reputation for hardness, even these precious gems can be scratched when exposed to hard or abrasive surfaces. For this reason, it is important to assess the scratch resistance of the chosen stone.

Corundum, which includes gems like sapphires and rubies, is known for its exceptional resistance to scratches. With a hardness rating of 9 on the Mohs scale, these stones are less likely to suffer surface damage compared to other gems. This makes them ideal choices for jewelry that will come into contact with daily wear and tear.

When considering scratch resistance, it is also important to remember that proper care of your jewelry is essential. By storing and handling them with care and avoiding contact with abrasive surfaces, you can help maintain the brilliance and beauty of your jewelry over the years.

In summary, when selecting jewelry with diamonds or gemstones, the quality of the mounting and scratch resistance are fundamental factors to ensure the durability and longevity of your investment. Carefully evaluating these aspects will allow you to enjoy your favorite jewelry for generations, preserving their beauty and value over time. Choose wisely and carry with you an eternal masterpiece!