en-us-Gemstones and their Relationship with Vedic Astrology: Exploring Meanings and Benefits


Vedic astrology is an ancient astrological system originating from India that uses the movement of planets and stars to analyze and interpret cosmic influences in our lives. One of the practices associated with Vedic astrology is the use of gemstones as astrological remedies. These carefully selected gems, based on each individual's astrological configuration, are believed to have the power to positively influence various areas of life. In this article, we will explore the fascinating relationship between gemstones and Vedic astrology, uncovering the meanings and benefits associated with each gem and its connection to the planets.

Credits: Lizelle Henze
Credits: Lizelle Henze


Vedic astrology considers each planet to exert a specific influence in our lives, and this influence can be balanced and enhanced through the use of gemstones associated with each planet. Each gem is connected to a specific planet and is believed to channel its beneficial energy to the wearer. This science of gemstones is based on astrological principles and is considered a form of energy therapy.


Each gemstone has a symbolic connection to a planet and is believed to possess unique properties that can positively influence different aspects of life. Let's explore some of the popular gemstones and their meanings in Vedic astrology:

  • Ruby (Manikya): Associated with the Sun, ruby is considered a stone that promotes vitality, personal power, and leadership.
  • Pearl (Moti): Related to the Moon, pearl is believed to bring emotional calm, harmony, and balance to a person's life.
  • Diamond (Heera): Linked with Venus, diamond is associated with love, beauty, and material prosperity.
  • Blue Sapphire (Neelam): Associated with Saturn, blue sapphire is believed to bring stability, discipline, and wisdom.
  • Emerald (Panna): Connected to Mercury, emerald is considered a stone that stimulates communication, mental clarity, and creativity.
  • Yellow Topaz (Pushyaragam): Linked with Jupiter, yellow topaz is believed to bring abundance, good luck, and spiritual wisdom.
  • Red Coral (Moonga): Associated with Mars, red coral is considered a stone that increases physical energy, determination, and protection against dangers.
  • Gomedh (Hessonite): Related to Rahu, gomedh is believed to provide protection against negative energies and promote spiritual growth.
  • Cat's Eye (Lehsunia): Linked with Ketu, cat's eye is associated with intuition, spiritual protection, and overcoming obstacles.


The proper selection of a gemstone in Vedic astrology requires careful analysis of a person's birth chart. An expert astrologer can determine which gemstones are most beneficial based on the planetary positions at the time of birth. Factors such as gem quality, size, and purity should also be considered. Once the gem is selected, it can be worn as a jewelry piece in the form of a ring, pendant, or bracelet, or carried in an amulet.


The use of gemstones in Vedic astrology is considered a complementary approach to balancing and strengthening planetary energies. These gemstones are believed to enhance health, prosperity, relationships, and spirituality. However, it's important to note that the use of gemstones does not substitute medical treatment or personal decision-making. It is recommended to consult with a qualified and trustworthy Vedic astrologer before using gemstones to ensure they are suitable for your individual needs and circumstances.


Gemstones and Vedic astrology have a long-standing connection, and the use of gemstones as astrological remedies can provide significant benefits in various areas of life. However, it's important to understand that Vedic astrology and the use of gemstones are belief-based practices and do not have scientific backing. If you're interested in exploring this fascinating relationship, we recommend seeking guidance from a qualified and reliable Vedic astrologer. Please note that the information and guidance provided in this article are for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional astrological or medical advice. Approach this ancient connection between gemstones and Vedic astrology with an open mind and enjoy the beauty and potential benefits they can bring to your life.