Jet Stone: Everything You Need to Know


Jet is a precious stone of intense black color, appreciated for its shine and unique properties. Formed from lignite, a type of mineral coal, this stone has fascinated cultures throughout history, attributing healing, protective, and magical powers to it.

Jet: a precious stone with a unique beauty and a fascinating past
Jet: a precious stone with a unique beauty and a fascinating past


Jet is found in lignite deposits, mainly in Spain, Asturias, where it has been extracted since Roman times. It is formed by the decomposition of wood under pressure and temperature over millions of years.


  • Hardness: 2.5 - 3.5 on the Mohs scale
  • Color: Intense black
  • Shine: Resinous
  • Texture: Smooth and compact
  • Healing properties: It is attributed with properties to relieve headaches, rheumatism, and circulatory problems.
  • Protective properties: It is believed to protect against the evil eye, bad energies, and negativity.
  • Magical properties: It is associated with magic and witchcraft, being used in amulets and talismans.


  • Jewelry: It is used to create necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, and other jewelry pieces.
  • Sculpture: It is used to create sculptures and decorative objects.
  • Carving: It is used to carve amulets, talismans, and other figures.
  • Traditional medicine: It is used in powder or in the form of an amulet to relieve ailments.


  • Elegance: The intense black color of jet symbolizes elegance, sophistication, and mystery.
  • Protection: It is considered a symbol of protection against the evil eye, bad energies, and negativity.
  • Fight: It is associated with strength, resistance, and the ability to overcome obstacles.
  • Death: In some cultures, the black color of jet is associated with death and mourning.


Jet is a popular stone in jewelry, especially in Spain. It is used to create classic and elegant pieces, such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings. It is also used to create more modern and avant-garde designs.


Jet has held significant cultural and spiritual importance throughout history. In ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, jet was often used in funerary rituals and was believed to aid the soul in its journey to the afterlife. It was also used as a protective amulet for both the living and the deceased.


During the Victorian era, jet experienced a surge in popularity due to Queen Victoria's mourning for her husband, Prince Albert. Jet jewelry became fashionable as a symbol of mourning and was commonly worn during periods of grief.


Today, jet is still valued for its aesthetic appeal and symbolic meaning. While it maintains its association with mourning and protection, it is also appreciated for its timeless elegance and versatility in contemporary jewelry design.


As with all gemstones and minerals, there is a growing concern about the ethical sourcing of jet. To ensure sustainability and ethical practices, it is important to purchase jet from reputable suppliers who prioritize fair labor and environmentally responsible mining methods.


In addition to its traditional uses in jewelry and decorative arts, jet is sometimes incorporated into alternative healing practices such as crystal therapy and energy work. Proponents believe that jet's unique properties can help alleviate physical ailments and promote spiritual well-being.


The smooth texture and deep black color of jet make it a favorite medium for artists and craftsmen. From intricate carvings to minimalist designs, jet provides endless creative possibilities for expressing beauty, symbolism, and cultural heritage.

By recognizing these aspects, we deepen our appreciation for jet not only as a material possession but also as a symbol of cultural heritage, artistic expression, and spiritual connection.


  • Avoid bumps and falls: Jet is a relatively fragile stone, so it is important to avoid bumps and falls that could damage it.
  • Avoid chemicals: Do not expose jet to chemicals such as perfumes, lotions, or detergents.
  • Clean with a soft cloth: Clean the jet with a soft, damp cloth after each use.
  • Store in a safe place: Store the jet in a safe place when not in use.

Jet is a precious stone with a rich history and unique properties. It is a popular option for jewelry and is attributed with healing, protective, and magical powers. With proper care, jet can last a lifetime and be a treasured jewel for generations.


Jet is a special stone that can bring beauty, protection, and meaning to your life. Take care of it with love and enjoy its unique energy.